Useful Information

Risk management

An electrically operated profiling care bed should be regarded as an aid to increasing a user's independence and to a carer in providing a high standard of care. It is not, in itself, a substitute for good quality care. Each user is different by virtue of height, weight, medical condition & circumstance and whilst risk should not be taken out of context a profiling bed is, nevertheless, an electro-mechanical device and as with any such device there is inherent risk if used incorrectly or unsupervised. All beds manufactured by Nexus DMS Ltd conform to the EC appendices 1 & 7 and  which states that profiling beds are considered suitable for "adults of 12 years and above". Regardless of the mix of products to be used (type & size of bed, mattress, accessories etc) we recommend that a full risk assessment be performed prior to purchase and also as an ongoing regular task in order to take account of changes in a user's condition and circumstances. Clearly special attention should be paid to any potential user below the age of 12 years.

Loan of product for on-site evaluation

We are happy to discuss the loan of a product to a nursing or care home where you feel an evaluation period in your own environment would be of help in the decision-making process. This would be for a mutually-agreed period of time and we would deliver and install at a convenient time and provide appropriate staff training as necessary.


Comprehensive training programmes can be tailored to your individual requirements to ensure that your nursing and caring staff are completely familiar with all the features of our products, understand the benefits of profiling and can operate the beds safely. Training for maintenance staff comprehensively covers correct assembly, operation, maintenance and servicing procedures and is fully certificated.

Safe Working Load

The Safe Working Load MUST NOT be taken as the maximum user weight. In common with other manufacturers we quote a Safe Working Load for each of our beds. When a bed is tested, a static load is evenly distributed over the whole surface of the bed. Remember though that when a bed is in use the load is rarely static or evenly distributed. Should a visitor, for example, sit down heavily on one side of the bed then the shock load at that point will be extreme, the load will be uneven and the total combined weight may exceed the Safe Working Load. The SWL must take account not only of the weight of the user but also the weight of the mattress, bed linen & any other items loaded on to the bed eg air pump for air-driven mattress. You should also take account of any likely weight gain by the user in the future. Typically, a mattress could weigh 20kg; an air-driven system could weigh as much as 30kg; a couple of pillows 3kg; bed linen around 12kg - the total of such items, together with anything else placed on the bed PLUS the weight of the user must NEVER exceed the Safe Working Load. Neither Nexus DMS Ltd, nor any of its employees, can accept responsibility for any issues arising from overloading a bed. Should damage result from such actions then any necessary repairs will not be covered by product warranty.

Bed dimensions

Bed dimensions included on our website are nominal inside dimensions between the head & foot boards and between the siderails. Outside (assembled) dimensions are greater - please check before purchase should you have doubts as to whether a particular bed will fit in the available space.

Use of integral siderails

All of our beds are manufactured in accordance with EC appendices 1 & 7 and , which includes the use of siderails. When used correctly, siderails will prevent a user from rolling out of bed, particularly during sleep. When not required they can be left in the lowest position and not used or alternatively, at the owners discretion, they can be easily removed and stored safely for future use when needed. Should you choose to specify, order or use a bed with no siderails fitted then neither Nexus DMS Ltd, nor any of its employees, can accept responsibility for any issue which may arise as a direct result of such action.

Use of other manufacturers' accessories

Nexus brand accessories are designed to work in harmony with the moving parts of our beds and, in conforming with EC appendices 1 & 7 and , reduce the risk of entrapment. Use of other manufacturers' products with our beds may take a bed/mattress combination out of conformity and may increase the entrapment risk. Neither Nexus DMS Ltd, nor any of its employees, can accept responsibility for any issues arising from use of such products.

Warranty - Beds

All our beds are supported by a complete parts & labour warranty for twelve months from the date of purchase. Beyond that we guarantee the chassis and mattress support unit parts for a further twenty four months.

Warranty - Mattresses

All foam mattresses are warranted against faulty materials and/or manufacture for twelve months from the date of purchase. In years 2 and 3 a reducing level of contribution towards a replacement unit will be provided should a manufacture/materials fault appear. The Optima air-float mattress system is covered by a 12-month warranty.

Mattress integrity

Should a mattress cover be damaged then body or other fluids can pass through and contaminate the inner core with the potential for cross-contamination. It is therefore recommended that a frequent inspection of mattress covers is undertaken to inspect for damage, such as holes or cuts. The inner core of the mattress should also be inspected for signs of staining or contamination. Should there be damage to a cover then it should be disposed of safely. Should there be contamination of an inner foam core then it cannot be decontaminated and should be disposed of safely. The inner cell structure of an Optima air-float mattress system can be decontaminated.

After Sales Support

A free advice and support service is available to all our customers during normal office hours by telephone, fax or e-mail.

Service Engineers are available for annual planned maintenance/service visits which can be tailored to your requirements.

Declaration of Conformity

Beds supplied by Nexus DMS Ltd. conform to all appropriate quality & safety testing standards within EC appendices 1 & 7 and
BS EN which are necessary to sell in Great Britain and Europe.

Mattresses are CE marked under Class 1 of the Medical Devices Directive. They meet the flammability requirements of for medium hazard and the interior foams meet the requirements of the Furniture & Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988.

Mattresses offering 'pressure distribution' have formal supportive 'Clinical Evidence' provided by the Department of Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering at Salisbury District Hospital and by Professor Richard White and the MARRC Centre at the University of Worcester.

V.A.T. Exemption

If the bed user suffers from a qualifying illness or disability, or you are buying on behalf of someone who qualifies, you can buy without paying VAT. We can supply the appropriate VAT Exemption Form for you to complete.

Conditions of Sale

Our conditions of sale are available for download in PDF format.